About us


                      The "BUILDING DESIGNERS" functioning at chelari,opp IOC,Commercial Complex,Thenhipalam(PO),Malappuram (Dist),Kerala(State),India is a reputed firm for plan,design,estimation,and supervision of building (residential and commercial). Over the years it has been able to undertake the supervision of a number of building including shopping complex, houses, educational institution etc...

                   Our prime concern is the full satisfaction and happiness of our customers. We have sufficient number of employees and required infrastructure for our smooth functioning.

                  Our special features is the quality of our work and completion within the shortest possible time.


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              Interlocking Bricks is the latest advancement in wall construction. These bricks are "locked" against each other without the use of cement mortar,to form a structurally stable wall that reduces the cost and the time of construction to almost half. In Kerala, where sand is becoming increasingly scarce and the cement price is soaring, interlocking bricks comes as a welcome alternative to Home builders

              Interlocking Bricks are used to construct walls without the use of cement mortar. Laterite stone is ground and filtered using a sieve,which is then mixed with 5% cement mixture and a chemical setting agent. the mixture is then machine compressed at 2000kg pressure to form high density Interlocking bricks.They are manufactured in two width of 6 inches and 8 inches ;and are also available in smaller length. Each interlocking bricks has grooves and locks on it's sides which can be fitted with each other to form a block wall that does not need cement mortar for locking. The roof slab that is placed over these walls will keep them structurally stable.


 EB 280 Conduit

Length 280mm X Width 170mm X Height 115mm


  • Cost effective as cement and sand are not used for constructing the wall.

  • Less heat sensitive and Eco friendly which retains coolness inside the house.

  • Less labor-intensive and more time saving

  • Insect proof. No insect can penetrate the wall due to its interlocking and high compression features.
  • Earthquake Resistant. Because of its interlocking nature, walls will not crumble and crack when under pressure.
  • Fire Proof. Brick or cement walls catch fire due to plastering and painting.
  • Eco Brick walls do not need plastering and thus are completely fire proof.
  • Less Water Absorbent. Eco Brick absorbs substantially less water than bricks or cement blocks.
  • Temperature Control. Eco brick has excellent thermal properties. It works as an excellent insulator by not conducting or transmitting out side heat in to the house. Thus it’s cool exceptionally.
  • Cost Effective. Eco Brick saves time and money spent on building. Also, as there is no requirement for plastering, the entire plastering cost is saved.
  • Comfortable. Eco Brick buildings create the most comfortable natural living conditions for any climate.
  • Energy Sufficient. Provides excellent insulation, reducing cooling or heating costs.
  • Sound Suppressing. Eco Brick walls are highly compressed earth. Practically they shield the house from all outside noises.
  • Environment-Friendly. Use of cement, sand, steel and energy in construction is significantly reduced.

    The standard ECO BRICK measures between 220 and 280 mm long X 220mm wide X 115 mm deep, and has beveled / champhered edges. BRICK length is controlled by soil and moisture content. 37-38 Bricks of 230 mm length are required per sq. m of 9" walling and 165 - 170 Bricks may be required per cu.m of 9" walling. ECO Conduit BRICK also measures same as Standard ECO BRICK with provision for conduit and horizontal reinforcement applications in Earth Quake resistant construction applications. ECO220 mm Bricks for above ground level superstructures are usually manufactured to an approximate compressive strength of a 4 MPa with a 1:5 cement: soil mix ratio. Adding higher cement ratio makes higher compressive strength Bricks of +7Mpa. Eco Brick walls are stronger than walls made out of cement blocks or ordinary burnt bricks. Eco Brick is made primarily from clay-based sub-soils and water. Only 5%- 10% of the end mix is cement. This is used as a stabilizer and compressed with a massive force of 60-80 Tons. (That is 50 - 100 kg / cm2 or 100 - 200 Bars). This process, which is a fully automated mechanical one, creates an extremely high quality and solid product. The strength of the product is further fortified by its special interlocking shape, which makes it even more resistant and high in load bearing. Building with Eco Brick is Cost Effective Walls constructed with burnt bricks or cement blocks, contribute approximately 40% to the total construction cost of a building. When building with Eco Brick, you effectively reduce these costs. Its unique interlocking and beveled-edged features leave no requirement for additional plastering. This will significantly bring down the cost of labour, cement, sand and lime. Even in the rare applications that need plastering, Eco Brick reduces the cost of plastering effectively by more than 50%.
    It’s accepted world wide
    Cement Stabilized Compressed Soil Brick technology, such as what is used to produce Eco Brick, is a well accepted method of manufacturing building materials. It is now a commonly used method in countries such as the USA, Australia, India,Srilanka and many other European, Middle East and African countries. It’s quit simply the next generation building material of the modern world.

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